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Review Participants Meeting 2023 – »What does logistics IT look like in 2035?«


The 22nd participants meeting of the »warehouse logistics« community provided participants with valuable insights for practice as part of the program. The multifaceted program, consisting of a World Café, a house of commons debate and an innovation forum, offered numerous and interactive opportunities for knowledge exchange.

Before, during and after the program, the participants had plenty of time to network. The participants meeting started with a successful keynote on »Logistics goes AI« by Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. ten Hompel and current updates from the »Team warehouse logistics«, presented by team leader Mauro Napierala.

Afterwards, all participants gathered for the World Café in the application hall of the institute to discuss current logistics topics in different rounds and with different discussion partners. The topics » Intralogistics in 2035«, » Future work with AI and Logistics IT«, »Gamification«, » Simplification of Logistics IT« und » New work in Logistics IT« were deepened and worked through in five rounds based on different questions.

The innovation exchange in particular aroused interest among the participants, and the opportunity to ask questions about each contribution was used extensively. Especially during the following break, the participants were able to enter into dialog with the speakers on the topics »Datenfabrik.NRW«, »Digital Twin in the multimodal transport chain«, »CV on Edge« and »Open Logistics Foundation«.

In the final house of commons debate, moderated by Ellen Sünkeler, the topics from the World Café and the innovation forum were taken up again and explored further. The debate consisted of eight questions on the motto of the participants meeting »What does Logistics IT look like in 2035?«. Divided into pros and cons, the participants were able to form their own opinions by positioning themselves on the left or right side of the room, which in some cases were changed again by powerful arguments from the other side and acted upon accordingly.

For many WMS providers, this year's participant meeting of the »warehouse logistics« community again offered versatile opportunities to exchange knowledge on research and practice. The Intralogistics and IT Planning Department looks back on a successful event and thanks all participants for taking part in the interactive program.

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