Gerealiseerde WMS projekten

Global logistic service provider

Consulting in a conception and selection of a WMS


  • Logistieke dienstverleners
  • Transportbranche

The team warehouse logistics was asked by a global logistic service provider to prepare a functional requirements specification for a warehouse management system and to find potential providers.

Because of the internationalization and the worldwide use the variety of warehouse management systems has increased ever since. Due to company take-overs and regionally orientated decision structures different systems are used for similar purposes, even regionally.

Motive and goal
The worldwide growth in line with the acquisition of new regions as well as the extension of businesses in already opened up regions lead to a growing number of warehouses. Furthermore, the logistic services are marked by a variety of customer requirements and wishes what complicates the standardisation of warehouse processes in connection with the offered value-added services (VAS).

For this reason, companies invest a lot of time into the selection of a suitable warehouse management system. The average validity of logistic service contracts is much shorter as is the period up to the provision of the agreed services.

The selection of a suitable provider and the implementation and set-up of the warehouse management system can be expensive and risky, above all for small, manually operated warehouses with uncomplex processes.

Thus, the goal of this project was to find a WMS for uncomplex manual warehouses which offers the most common functions and is easy to implement. This WMS should then serve as standard solution for clearly defined projects.

Requirements profile
During a workshop the typical processes, value-added services and functions of uncomplex manual warehouses were specified together with the customer during a workshop. The "typical" requirements specified in earlier projects of the customers were also taken into consideration.

Main function requirements on the WMS were multiple storage capacity, multi-lingual and browser ability. Other aspects were a user-friendly operation, easy system updates by adding further warehouse sections, or strategical changes. The recording and management of value-added services and the support of customer-specific forms also played an important role.

International Market Survey WMS
Based on the requirements specification potential providers were identified by means of the online WMS selection. For this purpose, Fraunhofer IML and the customer searched the database of the International Market Survey WMS where more than 70 WMS are listed. Other WMS providers, whose systems are already used by the customer, were also considered. The selection of a provider was completed by comparing further factors like the structure and size of the provider's company, the number of employees and experience concerning logistic services.

Call for bids
Suitable WMS providers were identified during a workshop. The team warehouse logistics was responsible for mailing the tender documents and for comparing the incoming bids. In addition to the functions provided further attention was given to the licence structure as well as to customer support and services.

The bids were discussed during a final workshop and the team warehouse logistics recommended a suitable provider.


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