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Participant' Meeting 2023: »What will logistics IT look like in 2035?«


Announcement: The annual participants' meeting 2023 will take place at the Institute of Material Flow and Logistics in Dortmund on 28.09.2023.

We are looking forward to the participant meeting of our »warehouse logistics«-Community, which will take place on 28 September 2023 from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm. The location is the Institute for Material Flow and Logistics in Dortmund.

Our theme this year is underpinned by the question: »What will Logistics IT look like in 2035?«. Our focus will not only be on the shortage of skilled workers, but also on the future of AI systems. Therefore, current developments should serve as a motivator to discuss various questions around different topics in more detail which could influence and shape the future of logistic.

The human-technology interaction can be seen as a central topic that can move more into the focus of logistics IT in the future, because artificial intelligences, digital twins and pick-by-voice supported systems are already being used in the warehouse and beyond.

So, what might future logistics look like as a result of current developments? - For the participants' meeting, we therefore want to create an interactive space where current problems can be considered and elaborated with future solutions in plenary.

The meeting is a platform for innovative insights into sustainable developments of the »Team warehouse logistics«. In addition, the event offers solid insights into the main research areas of Fraunhofer IML.

For further information, the organizers are available by e-mail at

We look forward to a vivid exchange with our participants on September 28, 2023!

Further information that could be interesting:
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