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More efficiency using modern software systems at LPP


Modern software systems for warehousing are indispensable for coping with volatile order volumes, for increasing the efficiency of flexible order production and as a basis for digital transformation. We will show which conditions they fulfill and how they successfully promote continuous company growth using the example of the Polish fashion company LPP S.A.

Industrial and retail companies in e-commerce are increasingly gearing their internal logistics processes to volatile demand situations. Automation is a tool for this purpose - it reduces personnel requirements, accelerates order production and increases quality in intralogistics.

This is associated with coordinated process control and target-oriented data processing and provision as part of the digital transformation. Enablers for meeting these requirements are modern software systems for intralogistics.

LPP S.A. was therefore looking for a future-proof warehouse management system for warehouse management, intelligent resource planning and coordinated process control. Maximum system flexibility was required in order to be able to integrate the planned, growth-defined future adjustments in warehousing and to control them in a coordinated manner. The contract was awarded to our PSIwms.

Read the full article with all information here.

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