Involved cooperation partners: [not specified]
Type of WMS project: [visible after registration]
Further systems installed by the WMS vendor: [visible after registration]
Level of automatization of the reference project: [visible after registration]
Which agile project methodologies were used: [visible after registration]
Other agile methodologies: [visible after registration]
Project volume of this project for the WMS vendor (only software and services): [visible after registration]
Total investment for this project for the customer (equipment, services, and real estate): [visible after registration]
Industry specifics supported by the WMS: [visible after registration]
Applied user interface languages: [visible after registration]
Year of operation of the WMS (GoLive): 2021
Month of operation of the WMS (GoLive): October
Duration of the project: [visible after registration]
Type of customer support: [visible after registration]
Daily hours of operation in the warehouse: [visible after registration]
Number of concurrent operational and administrative users: [visible after registration]
Number of WiFi terminals in parallel use: [visible after registration]
WMS controlled footprint / logistics area (in square meters): [visible after registration]
Number of inbound and outbound doors/docks: [visible after registration]
Number of Supply Keeping Units (SKUs): [visible after registration]
Number of storage positions controlled by WMS: [visible after registration]
Maximum number of delivery note positions per day: [visible after registration]
Number of warehouse locations controlled by the WMS: [visible after registration]
Layout and configuration of multiple warehouse locations: [visible after registration]
Specifics of the layout and configuration of the multiple warehouse locations: [visible after registration]
Name of the implemented WMS: On.Plant/WMS
Release: 5.5
Server operating system of WMS: [visible after registration]
Further server operating system of WMS: [visible after registration]
Database of WMS: [visible after registration]
Further databases of WMS: [visible after registration]
Connected ERP systems: [visible after registration]
Further connected ERP systems: [visible after registration]
Manufacturers of used MDE devices: [visible after registration]
Weitere Hersteller angebundener MDE-Geräte: [visible after registration]
WMS installed as Cloud or SaaS solution: [visible after registration]
Managed storage goods: [visible after registration]
Processes and functions managed by the WMS: [visible after registration]
Two-stage or multi-stage order picking: [visible after registration]
Applied cummunication technologies in order picking process: [visible after registration]
Inventory/Stocktaking methodology:: [visible after registration]
Number of managed clients: [visible after registration]
Support of further processes: [visible after registration]
Material handling and storage equipment controlled by the WMS: [visible after registration]
Specifics of the applied material handling and storage equipment: [visible after registration]
Decision criteria of the customer for choosing the WMS vendor: [visible after registration]
Decision criteria of the customer for choosing the WMS: [visible after registration]
Collaboration between customer and WMS vendor during the implementation phase from the customer point of view: [visible after registration]